
There aren’t many spots from which you can enjoy great views on the city center of Göttingen: you can get to the canteen of the Neues Rathaus, access the small terrace of the Kunsthaus or get on top of the Bismarckturm. But none of them normally gives you the chance to have a delicious sundowner while focusing the university town’s skyline. Fortunately, the FREIgeist hotel brings good food and drinks to the Nordstadt of Göttingen – an area in the past not known for fine dining and great cocktails. It has indeed the only real rooftop bar of the city, so get a drink and enjoy sundown!

View from FREIgeist Skybar, Göttingen

From the top you can see the university quarter with the Blauer Turm and the Mensa am Turm (the tower of it belonged to a former laundry), the city center with two of the main churches (St. Jacobi and St. Johannis) as well as the new townhall building behind. Enjoy the views on the forests surrounding the city and especially the railway station: always a pleasure to see ICE high-speed trains come and go.

The FREIgeist hotel offers a very good Levante & Italian food restaurant on the ground floor and the Weights & Measures bar refering to the well-known precision scale manufacturer Sartorius which had its former historic headquarters on these grounds. You can find the skybar on the 6th floor – and if it is closed you can still get some drinks downstairs and take them up with you.

FREIgeist Skybar
FREIgeist Nordstadt
Weender Landstraße 100
37075 Göttingen

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