Hitzacker, Dannenberg, Gorleben – these are the names of small cities known well throughout Germany. They are part of the Wendland, a very secluded region of Lower Saxony. Here a temporary storage for atomic waste was created and a final storage was planned, without any good reasons. It was merely the fact that this region was at the inner-German border which supported the idea of storing this long-term dangerous waste there. Between 1995 and 2011 thirteen so-called Castor transports arrived there and protests grew massively over time. That brought the region onto the inner maps of Germans.

Today, Hitzacker is very well worth a visit. With its old town beautifully located on a peninsula surrounded by the waters of river Jeetzel, with the wonderful location at the river Elbe and the Weinberg mountain enabling fantastic views on the city and on the region. But there is also a game reserve and an archaeological park attracting visitors. Hitzacker is connected to the outside world by train: the Wendlandbahn takes you from Dannenberg-Ost via Hitzacker to Lüneburg where you have a connection to long-distance transport.
Hitzacker (Elbe)
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