In 1965 massive rain caused high floods and substantial damage to cities in Northern Hesse, South Lower Saxony and East Westphalia. The 16th and 17th of July 1965 became known of the days of the Heinrichsflut which flooded cities like Einbeck, Paderborn, Göttingen, Kassel and Bad Karlshafen. As the weather prediction and also the communication systems were not as advanced as today many people were warned too late, some were locked in, some needed to be rescued by helicopters and 16 persons died.
Twistesee, Bad Arolsen Twistesee, Bad Arolsen
As a result of this, different high-water protection systems were created in the area. The Twiste is a 40 kilometres long small river that runs into the river Diemel close to Warburg. Around three kilometres afar from Bad Arolsen a dam and an artificial lake were created between 1972 and 1981 – the Twistetalsperre and the Twistesee. 38 millions of German Mark were invested to protect the people from future floods, but the area was from the beginning on also planned to be a recreation zone. No sewage water is directed into the lake and it has therefore very clean water and is used for many purposes.
Around the lake you will find camping areas, a wonderful sand beach with good facilities, a beach for nudists, golf and minigolf areas and a restaurant close to the dam. People use the lake for different water sports and also for fishing. If you want to hike around the lake: its a pleasant hike of seven kilometres length.
Twistesee / Twistestausee
Bad Arolsen
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