The ‘Wasserkünste‘ of the Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe at Kassel, Germany are enabled by a system of water flows. While the cascades below the Herkules receive their water from two artificial lakes behind the monument, the Steinhöfer Wasserfall gets the water from the old mine ‘Zeche Herkules‘ and the tiny stream Sichelbach. From Neu-Holland the water is first brought by a long channel to the mountain lake Asch.
Water channel, Kassel Water channel, Kassel Water channel, Kassel Water channel, Kassel Water channel, Kassel Bergsee Asch, Kassel
Next to this channel you will find a nice path you can take to reach the lake Asch. As water doesn’t float up the hill it is a comfortable walk without any inclination. 😉 Systems like these I’ve until now only seen at Alto Adige, Italy where they are used to transport the water for growing plants – the paths next to them are called ‘Waalwege‘. To get to the starting point of the channel take tramway 4 to Druseltal and switch there to bus 22 or 23. Get off at Neu-Holland, walk a bit up the hill and take the first street to the right.
From lake Asch you can follow the water some meters down the hill but you can’t accompany it to the Steinhöfer Wasserfall. The way leads you to the Löwenburg which is for sure another beautiful place to discover. Unfortunately I was unable to find the entry to the old mine ‘Zeche Herkules‘ that must be close to the channel at Neu-Holland. But it is only a small portal and located on private ground. If you find it, please drop me a note.
Zeche Herkules / Bergsee Asch
Kassel, Germany
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