Jungle paradise

The San Simian Eco Resort is located at the shore of the Laguna de Apoyo west of Granada, Nicaragua. It is run since 2011 by a Swiss expat and offers only five cabañas distributed throughout a wonderful garden. There you can go swimming in the clear and warm lake inside a volcano crater, take a canoe tour on the laguna, you can just relax inside a hammock or spend your day by watching birds, monkeys, squirrels or discovering all the fruits and trees around you.

You’ll discover mangos and bananas, piñas, almonds and many trees you’ve never seen before and which you can’t even name. Trees on which the fruits grow on the trunk, trees that protect themselves with spikes. Already the well cultivated garden would be worth the visit. And in between all of that you’ll find a restaurant and a bar with surprisingly good food and excellent drinks. The resort is also open for day tourists (that will be charged 5 USD per person), but it is a quiet and wonderful place to stay. So beautiful that one day you’ll be really sorry that you’ll have to leave…

San Simian Eco Resort
Laguna de Apoyo


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