If you’re strolling or jogging on the Wall you will definitely pass her: Die Läuferin (‘The Runner’). The artwork is located at the Albaniplatz and fits well to this place as many people use the Wallanlagen for running. It was designed fifteen years ago by the artist Joachim Eriksen, living in Göttingen. To finance it he measured the green ring around the city and calculated that it is 3210 meters long. Each of these meters he sold to a person in more than 200 cities in Germany and also 70 cities around the world. A wonderful project!

These 3210 meters were already sold out long ago and you can’t get one anymore. But in 2021 the artist decided to give away additional meters, so called Ehrenmeter (‘meters of honor’). Every year he now wants to give one of these as a prize to people who are engaged in social, cultural, or sportive areas. This year it was awarded to Petra Broistedt, head of department for social welfare and culture of the city of Göttingen – later she became the first female mayor of the city.
Die Läuferin
Albaniplatz / Wallaufgang
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