Šv. apaštalų Petro ir Povilo

I didn’t know what to expect when taking the long walk to the St. Peter and Paul church a little bit aside of the city center of Vilnius, Lithuania. The high number of tourist busses in front of the church were a first indicator that something impressive is waiting inside. It is a catholic church in baroque style that contains a massive amount of white stucco inside. Take your time to discover all the beautiful artworks distributed throughout the church.

St. Peter and Paul, Vilnius
St. Peter and Paul, Vilnius

The church was built from the year 1668 on and is located on the place of a former wooden church dating back to the year 1609. During Soviet reign the church should have been converted to an orthodox church which never happened because of high costs. It contained the coffin of saint Casimir of Lithuania (the son of the Polnish king Casimir IV Jagiellon) until it could return to the dedicated chapel of saint Casimir in 1989.

Šv. apaštalų Petro ir Povilo
St. Peter and Paul
Antakalnio g. 1
Vilnius 10312


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