If you want to increase your health you might come to Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. A lot of Russians do and you can watch them walk through the city with special mugs that are beautifully and golden decorated and their handles are used as straws. Now and then they get some new water from the hot springs and drink it.
Part of this concept are special buildings that are highly decorated where you can walk around inside. It just gives the guests the chance to continue their cures also during bad weather conditions. One of these is the Mlýnská kolonáda (“Mühlbrunnenkolonnade” in German) directly at the river Teplá.
A first wooden building was here already in 1793, the current building in renaissance revival style was inaugurated in 1881. It is the biggest of these buildings in Karlovy Vary and you can find five different hot springs here.
Mlýnská kolonáda
Mlýnské nábř.
36001 Karlovy Vary
Czech Republic
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