La Mota

When travelling from Granada to Córdoba it is obviously a good idea to take road N-432 as it is connecting both cities – but this gives another chance: stopping by in Alcalá la Real,  Spain. The city itself doesn’t seem to be such a big attraction but up on a hill you’ll find the very well preserved Fortaleza de la Mota.

The castle in the province of Jaén dates back to the 13th century but some structures are even older. It is located on a hill and becomes clear that this wasn’t only a military fortification but also a places where people lived as you still can see some city quarters. In very good condition are the church and the fortress itself, containing some towers, a special military court connected to the rest of the Fortaleza by a surprisingly none straight tunnel (to confuse attackers).

You can roam the area with the help of an audio guide, the church itself is used for a great multimedia presentation projected to the walls. Nowadays lavender fields have been planted and a big wooden slingshot shows the weaponry of that time. Later on in history when this area wasn’t at threat anymore the people left the fortress to settle at the plains.

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