If you’re interested in flora and fauna of the sea around Vancouver Island, Botanic(al) Beach might be worth a trip. Check the schedule of the tides and arrive at low tide here: the sea creates small pools in which you can observe plants, corals, and shells – it is like a natural exhibition. To reach the beach, follow British Columbia Highway 14 from Victoria along the southwestern coast of Vancouver Island to Port Renfrew and take the Cerantes Road to the southwest.

The road leads you to a round-shaped parking area with facilities. Here the Botanical Beach Loop Trail starts. It leads you first down to Botany Bay and than along the coast to Botanic(al) Bay (don’t know why both names are in use), before it ascends back to the parking area. The hike was easy and about 1.5 kilometers long. When I had entered my car and left the car park I met the first adult-size brown bear I’ve ever seen – better be prepared in this area.

Botanic(al) Beach
Vancouver Island
British Columbia
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