Azerbaijan is a secular country not having a stake in religious matters. There are some Russian orthodox Christians, a large Jewish community focused on Bakı – but the majority of Azeris are Muslims belonging mostly to Shia Islam. Therefore you’ll find different mosques throughout Bakı; the biggest and most modern one is the Bibi Heybat mosque outside of the city.

The first mosque in this place was created during the 13th century while the Şirvanşah reigned at Bakı. During Soviet reign it was the first building demolished by Joseph Stalin and his troops fighting against religion. It was re-erected in the 1990s and opened by president Heydər Əliyev in 1997. Therefore this mosque is really modern but also highly decorated.
Women and men have to pray separately as usual, during visits there is no separation. I reached this place with a guided group tour from Bakı, it would be hard to reach by public transport. Remember that you have to wear appropriate clothing at the mosque and that women have to cover their hair. And don’t forget to enjoy the wonderful views on the Caspian sea when leaving.
Bibi Heybat mosque
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