Oslo provides a plentitude of hotel options. If you want to have a place close to the city center that doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg, the Anker Hotel might be a good option. It is a rather modern hotel at the city quarter Storgata, next to the border to Grünerløkka – an alternative and beloved city quarter. The Anker Hotel offers different options; from student housing via a hostel to the hotel itself. Rooms are suitable and the breakfast is sufficiently good; the breakfast room just might be overcrowded if you arrive at the wrong point in time.
What makes the Anker Hotel great is the central location: you can walk from the Sentralstasjon (Oslo C/Oslo S), it is less than a kilometer to walk. But there is also an excellent tramway (Trikk) connection. In front of the hotel you’ll find the stop Nybrua where lines 11, 12, 17 and 18 stop. The city center as well as places like Akyer brygge, the Vigelandsparken or the Ekebergparken can be reached directly from the hotel. Just one thing that was a surprise to me: the room doors don’t lock when you close them. When leaving your room you need to put the card on the card reader to lock it.
Anker Hotel
Storgata 55
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