
When you’re exploring Iceland counter-clockwise as most tourists do, you need to take a decision once you reach Djúpivogur. From there you can follow Hringvegur / Þjóðvegur 1 along the coast (to see some more fiords and a gem collection) or take a shortcut to Egilsstaðir: the Öxi valley. I wouldn’t see it as a shortcut, because it is a fantastic experience to drive up this valley on road 939; you just need to be willing to take an untarred road and often to be ready to drive through the fog on top.

The Öxi valley starts close to the triangle-shaped Búlandstindur mountain. When you enter the valley you’ll have high mountains on both sides with different visible levels, a paradise for geologists. Throughout the valley a small river finds its way and creates two waterfalls: the Folaldafoss and Hænubrekkufoss. Close to them you’ll find a small parking area with marvelous views. Once you’ve reached the 532 meters high plateau you’ll most probably be covered in fog and can often only see the next 15 meters ahead. But the views during the ascent are very-well worth the effort and road conditions get normal very fast.

Öxi valley

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