The city of Marburg an der Lahn, Germany, has only 74,000 inhabitants. But it is an university town with a long history and therefore has something unusual for a city of that size: a wonderful art museum. The building was created in 1925 to commemorate the foundation of the university 400 years ago and therefore named Jubiläumsbau. Within the institutes for art and culture were concentrated that were until then distributed throughout the city.

It was a combination of scientific workplaces and a museum and a library open to the public. Today you can enjoy the collection of the university and changing exhibitions on two floors. But also the architecture with art déco and expressionist elements is worth a visit! Don’t forget to have a look at the window decorations from the outside: you’ll see churches, town halls and castles of Hesse (including the Elisabethkirche and the Römer).
Kunstmuseum Marburg
Biegenstraße 11
35037 Marburg
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