Exploring Cyprus means looking at many old stones. The climate of the island and the rough, mountainous landscape made it possible. Halfway between Λάρνακα and Λεμεσός you can discover settlement structures used 8,000 years ago. In the Neolithic period people created the settlement Χοιροκoιτία with small round houses next to a river.
Choirokoitia ruins, Χοιροκoιτία Choirokoitia ruins, Χοιροκoιτία
The settlement then winds up the hill and you can see walls and other protective structures. That is unique because it is one of the largest Neolithic sites on the island and you can really imagine how people lived in this large village. Therefore, the place is today a well-preserved UNESCO World Heritage Site. Some of the houses have been rebuilt and a visitors center provides you with the necessary information. Just leave the motorway A1 at Χοιροκoιτία and after passing unter it on road B1 there is a parking area.
Νεολιθικός Οικισμός
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