I’m often astonished how many castles and castle ruins are spread throughout Germany. Some are rather hidden in forests, others are located on high hills and can’t be overlooked. One of the latter is the Kugelsburg, the town’s landmark of Volkmarsen – a small town located 28 kilometres west of Kassel. It was built on the Kugelsberg mountain at the end of the 12th century CE to protect an important trading route between Fritzlar and Paderborn.
Kugelsburg, Volkmarsen Kugelsburg, Volkmarsen Kugelsburg, Volkmarsen Kugelsburg, Volkmarsen
In 1885 the city of Volkmarsen bought the castle ruin for 6,000 Mark (or Goldmark). Today it is a good hiking destination, you can climb on top of the tower (don’t carry too much luggage, the stairs are quite narrow) and walk down into the cellar (the so-called ‘Hexenkeller‘). Apart from good views on the city underneath, there is also a restaurant which is unfortunately closed currently. In 2021 and 2022 major restoration works are planned including the construction of a glass roof and a building that will allow to hold larger events at the ruin and increase tourism – the restaurant will then also re-open.
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