The Art of Making Books

The US-American industrial Sir Alfred Chester Beatty had an interesting hobby: how collected old books, book fragments and papyri. His collection is today on display in the Chester Beatty Library at Dublin, Ireland – located within Dublin castle. The very well-designed and modern museum dates back to the year 1950 and contains many beautiful and important books from all around the world. Most of them are religious, some secularistic.

When I was there the biggest area of the museum was split into sections, one for every major religion and exhibiting fantastic books related to them. Chester Beatty also collected lots of papyri that are still today important for science; they include fragments of early versions of the bible. The museum also contains a small shop and a coffee bar; you can put your stuff into one of the lockers in the entrance area.

Chester Beatty Library
Dublin Castle
Dublin / Baile Átha Cliath
Ireland / Éire

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