The zoological garden of Chemnitz, Germany isn’t very big – but it is a nice place to be. What I will remember of this zoo are the big tropical house, the high number of different frogs at the Vivarium and the very active porcupine family. I love porcupines. The Tierpark Chemnitz is located in the west of the city and a bit afar from the city center. You can reach it by taking a train from the main railway station to Chemnitz-Siegmar – from there it is an easy ten minutes walk to the zoo.
Tierpark, Chemnitz Tierpark, Chemnitz Tierpark, Chemnitz Tierpark, Chemnitz Tierpark, Chemnitz
The Tierpark was founded in 1964 and is the home of 1000 animals belonging to 200 different species. That is not a vast amount – but is enough for a nice visit. I found it rather relaxing to not have to walk around for hours but to enjoy the limited number animals. At first the zoo concentrated on animals of the Soviet union, but today it contains species from around the world and works on the preservation of endangered species.
Tierpark Chemnitz
Nevoigtstraße 18
09117 Chemnitz
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