The city of Kassel, Germany is full of interesting artworks – some better known and some lesser. At the Schillerstraße you can find a pretty long mural created by the artist Daniel Ricardo Ortiz Polido from Nicaragua and the inhabitants of the social facilities located directly on the other side of the street. The ‘diakom‘ for example offers jobs and advanced training to people with mental handicaps. This art work shows the world through the eyes of addicts and mentally ill persons.
DIAkomenta, mural global, Kassel DIAkomenta, mural global, Kassel DIAkomenta, mural global, Kassel DIAkomenta, mural global, Kassel
The used wall for this art work is 100 meters long and now very colourful. Topics covered are those important to the participants: ecological devastation, illness, peace on earth, sorrow, fortune. One section created by Daniel Ricardo Ortiz Polido focusses on the bombing of Kassel in World War II. He counts the numbers: ‘10.000 dead’, ‘11.650 injured’. And the massive amount of 416.856 bombs dropped.
mural global
Opposite of Schillerstraße 52-62
34117 Kassel
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