Black Rock

The best hotel on my trip to Western Canada was the Black Rock Oceanfront Resort at the tiny little town of Ucluelet on Vancouver Island. Its main building is located directly at the shore of the Pacific Ocean (remember, the next country on the other side is Japan) and you’ve got great views from your balcony to the rocks and the sea. The hotel contains a nice bar and a very good restaurant (a reservation upfront is needed) which also serves high-class breakfast in the morning: on a terrace with views on the sea.

Only annoying thing here are the many mosquitos flying around, but the experienced traveler is always equipped with Off! repellant. From the hotel it is a fifteen minutes walk to the small city center of Ucluelet with a grocery store and different food options. I enjoyed sitting at the bar of the Ucluelet Brewing Company and taking a flight through their locally produced beers. Close to the hotel the Artist Loops, a scenic hiking trail along the coast starts. A very good option is also the Lighthouse Trail accessible by car which is a real round course along the shore and through a nice forest.

Black Rock Oceanfront Resort
Vancouver island
British Columbia

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