
I’m just a tiny little bit afraid of heights, but the Capilano suspension bridge is a place to challenge me. It is located in North Vancouver and spans the Capilano river at a height of 70 meters while being 136 meters long. Dependent on who is joining you on the bridge, this can be fun or nightmare. What you might not suspect is that this bridge has a history and was first built in 1888 to access a hut on the other side.

Today the suspension bridge is part of a complete entertainment package with a treetop walk, a hanging walk along the cliffs, an educational program, shops and restaurants. A ticket costs more than 70 CAD these days which is a lot, but Capilano suspension bridge park is quite enjoyable. What irritates me here and everywhere in Canada is how walking through the forest always a well designed ‘experience’ with wooden walkways and explanatory signs. In Germany we just walk into the woods and explore on our own…

Capilano Suspension Bridge
British Columbia

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