
Since 1975 the city of Vancouver has a nice botanical garden in Shaughnessy, south of downtown. It is a beautiful garden with fantastic flowers, rivers, lakes and an Elizabethan maze to get lost in. The garden doesn’t do scientific research, it just exhibits plants in differently themed areas. There is a stone garden, a vegetable garden, giant sequoias, sino-himalayan plants and areas for the flora of Chile, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. In one section you’ll find collections of azaleas, rhododendrons and camellias; in another firs, maples, conifers, lindens, cypresses and cedars can be found.

Within the botanical garden you’ll also find a shop and a self-service coffee bar. The creation of the botanical garden was made possible by a donation of W. J. VanDusen, a manager who was part of the Canadian wood industry. The VanDusen Botanical Garden has a large parking area with free parking. That’s absolutely necessary as even by car it is still a 15 minutes ride by car from Downtown Vancouver straight down Granville Street or Oak Street.

VanDusen Botanical Garden
British Columbia

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