
The historic city quarter Gastown can be found in the east of Downtown Vancouver. It was once the germ cell of the city of Vancouver and a very industrial area with a harbor and a saw mill; the place is named after the first innkeeper John ‘Gassy Jack’ Deighton. Gastown burned down in 1886 and there are not many buildings that survived. Icon is the steam-powered clock located at the intersection of Water Street and Cambie Street. Every hour it gives a whistle four times and blows steam once.

Formerly there was also a statue of ‘Gassy Jack‘, but it was removed in 2022 because he had married a twelve year old native back in the days. Gastown is today a touristic place with a lot of souvenir shops but is definitely a place you want to get to for a drink or two. From there you’ll also have easy access to Chinatown on foot.

British Columbia

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