Colline du Château

Already had your daily dose of sports? If not, it could be the time to climb up to the Parc de la Colline du Château on a 90 meters high rock above Nice. Walk to the east end of the beach where you’ll find the steps up to the Tour Bellanda from which you’ll have amazing views on the beach of Nice. Continue further up the hill, through parts of the former fortification to the park and from there continue to the Belvédère du Château with a great panorama of the city and an artificial waterfall underneath.

On a hot day it can be a real pleasure to stand next to it and chill down again. Fortunately there are also some snack bars offering refreshments after your ascent. From the 11th to the 18th century there was a military citadel in this place that was destroyed in 1706 by the order of the le Roi Soleil, Louis XIV – the fragments of towers and walls all date back to these days. The artificial waterfall has been actually built into the former donjon in 1885.

If you want to do yourself a favor: at the beach close to the stairs you’ll find the ascenseur, a public elevator taking you up to the park (which might be open or not). An easier option to get up is also to start at the Cathédrale Sainte-Réparate de Nice, walk east and follow the road up to the Cimetière du Château. The walk is much longer, but therefore also way less steep and you need to talk a lot less steps to get up to the Parc de la Colline du Château. Up to you how hard you want your fitness program to be. 😉

Parc de la Colline du Château

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