Nicaragua is a country that isn’t on screen in Europe and that young people here don’t know much about. That was totally different in 1979 when the Nicaraguan revolution succeeded and dictator Somoza had to leave the country. In the following years Nicaragua became a left-wing utopia, many people were dreaming of a better life in a Latin American socialist paradise. From all over the world volunteers came to Nicaragua to help rebuilt the country.
The Museo Histórico de la Revolución at León tells this story and its roots: since 1912 Nicaragua was occupied by US forces that liberal general Augusto César Sandino fought against. In 1933 the army of the United States withdrew after having created a local army lead by their Nicaraguan ally Anastasio Somoza García. He organized that Sandino was murdered and brought himself to power, starting the dictatorship of the Somoza clan that lasted until 1979.

The museum itself is small, mostly two rooms in a colonial house next to the cathedral. One room is dedicated to national hero Sandino, one to the 1979 revolution. The real highlight is that former fighters guide you through the museum and tell the story of their country. But for sure they don’t tell you what happened after the revolution and in recent years; it is hard to explain why the Sandinist government changed so much that they would shoot at protestors in 2018. Don’t miss to see the rest of the building and when you’re lucky you can also climb onto the ruinous roof and enjoy the views from up there.
Museo Histórico de la Revolución
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