National gallery

If you’re interested in Bulgarian art and Soviet-style artworks, then the Kvadrat 500 belonging to the National Gallery is your best choice. It is the biggest art museum of София and was opened in 2015. Next to Bulgarian works there is also a lot of European art and you can additionally see works from different other continents. The collection contains 42,000 pieces and only a small fraction can be shown in the 28 halls of the museum next to the Alexander Newski Cathedral.

The National Gallery itself is a combination of different museums. Other branches are the Royal Palace, the Museum of Christian Art, the Sofia Arsenal (contemporary art), the Museum of Art from the Socialist Period and different former homes of important personalities of the city.

Национална галерия
National Gallery
Kvadrat 500
ул. „19-ти февруари“ 1
1000 София център

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