The Museum Angewandte Kunst (MAK) of Frankfurt am Main is located at the riverside in the city center and is part of the Museumsufer. It resides in a modern building from 1985 but also extends to the ancient Villa Metzler from 1803. The MAK displays applied arts, which means applying design to everyday objects (in contrast to the fine arts, producing objects without practical use). Within the museum you can especially find items concerning interior design, industrial design, and crafts.

What I really enjoyed is the sorting of works: they are grouped by the material they’ve been produced from. Therefore, you can compare what can be produced from glas, metal, ceramics, and wood. As always in museums like this you will find items you’ve seen before or which you’ve maybe even owned already. But there are also a lot of surprising items that are more artistic and less practical. The museum also has a space for changing exhibitions and a small shop. Even the architecture of the building would already be a good reason to hop in.
Museum Angewandte Kunst
Schaumainkai 17
60594 Frankfurt am Main
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