When the Nazis took over power at Germany in 1933 they immediately prepared for war. Ammunition production was restricted by the treaty of Versailles and therefor they requested the German industry to create factories in rural areas that should be ready to be activated in case of war. One of these was the Sprengstofffabrik Hirschhagen (explosives factory) or Munitionsfabrik Hirschhagen (ammunition factory) of Hessisch Lichtenau.
It was created in a forest where it could be camouflaged against air-raids. It was close to brown coal sources and in an area where no significant industry existed and therefore many laborers could be employed. But nevertheless, forced labor happend here, including people coming from East-European countries and Jewish people from concentration camps in Hungary. They were forced to live in barracks near the factory.

The factory was completely fenced, and most buildings constructed with solid ferroconcrete. Three power stations were built, wells were created to cover the massive need for water. Later also a wastewater system was created to bring water directly to river Fulda and not to pollute the small flow called Losse below the factory.
The TNT made at Hirschhagen was used in aerial bombs, landmines and grenades. When US-American forces seized the area in 1945 the factory was still active and was immediately shut down. Parts of the factory were sent to different European states as war reparations. The rest remained unchanged for decades. In 1989 measures were taken to clean the ground and the ground water from the chemical remains.

Today Hirschhagen is an industrial area again with several companies settled there. Some of the old buildings have been re-used, some are deteriorating with trees growing within. In between you’ll find many signs telling you more about the history of this place and you can book tours to understand what happened here.
When you arrive at the former factory area you will see that the first streetlamp looks different than the others: It is an original one from that the people had passed every day when going to work. The lamp shaft contains the names of the people that were forced to work there and lost their lives.

When you pass through the Losse valley in the direction of Helsa you should watch out: close to the river you can find giant cascades. This is the wastewater system transporting the water from the factory towards the river Fulda (it ends at Kassel-Sandershausen). The channel was twenty-two kilometers long and has been partially removed.
Sprengstofffabrik / Munitionsfabrik Hirschhagen
Hessisch Lichtenau
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