It is one of the most relaxed places in Bremen, Germany: the Café Sand located next to the river Weser. Only some meters afar you can relax in the sun at the Weserstrand or walk some meters further on to the Werdersee. The coffee bar offers seats indoor and outdoor, is a self-service bar and the food is simple – but it is a very good place to hang out and enjoy the sunshine. It can be found in the southeast of the city centre on the other side of the river.
Café Sand, Bremen Café Sand, Bremen
You can reach the Café Sand on foot by crossing the Weser on the Wilhelm-Kaisen-Brücke near Domsheide. The best way for sure is taking the Sielwallfähre – a small and very fast ferry boat for pedestrians and cyclists – from the Osterdeich (near the crossing with the street Sielwall). A trip costs 1.60 Euro which is rather high for the short ride but worth the price. Many locals use it with their bikes when they want to get to the river island.
Café Sand
Strandweg 106
28201 Bremen
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