Musée Océanographique

What’s the most beautiful building at Monaco? The Cathédrale Notre-Dame-Immaculée, the Palais Princier or the Casino de Monte-Carlo? They’re all examples of beautiful architecture but I would rather nominate the Musée Océanographique, a historic museum building standing tall at the shore, high above the water in the city center of Monaco. It was created in 1889 by Albert I. of Monaco and inaugurated in 1910 in the presence of his German friend Wilhelm II.

Albert had gone on various expeditions during which he collected maritime items that he wanted to display in an elegant setting. This elegance has been preserved, you’ll immediatly sense it when standing in front of the beautifully decorated building and especially when exploring the historic exhibition rooms in the upper levels. When you’re there remember to take the last steps up to the great roof terrace with amazing views on the bay and the city as well as a restaurant.

Most people today visit the Musée Océanographique because of the wonderful aquarium in the lower levels in the building with 6,000 fishes from 350 species. You can also see seahorses, turtles, jellyfish, axolotl, sharks and rays in a nice environment. That probably also has to do with a famous director of the Musée Océanographique: researcher Jacques-Yves Cousteau led the museum between 1957 and 1988.

Musée Océanographique
Avenue Saint-Martin
98000 Monaco

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