The Germanisches Nationalmuseum is a vast cultural history museum at Nürnberg, Germany. Its name is a bit odd, as the Germanic people are a combination of different tribes just grouped by the origins of their languages: Germanic people are people that are speaking a Germanic language. And therefore the Germanisches Nationalmuseum is a national museum without a nation. This name can only be understood in the historical context of the creation of the museum in 1853: during the German revolutions of 1848–1849 people tried to define and unite a German(ic) state.

The museum has a large collection of 1.3 millions of items covering the timeframe from protohistory until today. 25,000 of them are on display; paintings, sculptures, furniture, coins, games, weapons, textiles. The endless number of rooms and exhibition topics attract more than 430,000 visitors per year making this museum one of the most visited in Germany. Don’t forget to take a map from the information desk with you: within this building you can easily get lost.
Germanisches Nationalmuseum
Kartäusergasse 1
90402 Nürnberg
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