Cœur de Lion

You might be a bit disappointed when you search for the castle of Λεμεσός: it is in the harbor area and three hundred meters away from the shore. And it looks just like a rectangular building without further fortifications. But inside you can visit the medieval museum of the city and the building itself is very well preserved. It was built in 1590 CE under Ottoman rule.

The building is also connected to the Third Crusade initiated by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa: After Jerusalem had been taking by Saladin, European monarchs sent out armies to conquer the Holy Land.  Richard I, the Lionheart, king of England, conquered the island of Cyprus and handed it to the crusaders. In 1191 he married Berengaria of Navarre at the grounds of the castle of Λεμεσός.

Limassol castle

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